Manifesting the Life you want is the same as saying creating the life you want and creation comes down to inspiration and the work that is connected to it.

Manifesting The Life You Want is Your Fucking Problem

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Manifesting the life you want sounds really attractive on another Youtube.

BUT REAL LIFE seems to be filled with:

worry, and pain, and sacrifice, and mishaps, and emotional rollercoasters

…it can be a real mess.

Even RIGHT NOW, in a moment of glorious success…I begin to see the next problem or challenge on the horizon

…followed by more solutions…followed by more challenges.

If you thought I was going to tell you to visualize in order to manifest the life you want…you can begin punching yourself in the crotch right now.

Life is filled with amazing shit…I really mean that…beautiful sights…and smells…and tastes…and people…

But make no mistake.

It’s hard.

You’ll die no matter how much success you find.

manifesting the life you want still ends in you have to ask...what really matters to you?

Even if you have an insane amount of success…

…you’ll still have a part of you that feels guilty you can’t help the world be successful, too.

Survivors' Guilt.

A friend of mine spent time as a model for Adidas…she got thousands upon thousands per month…she was able to travel and see the world.

It wasn’t until she went to a tribal area with a beach that she realized how much she had.

The shoot involved getting some images of her surfing waves.

The tribes people said she was flying.

Remember how much you were born with.

You MIGHT be surprised that some people prefer conflict and problems to success…it allows them to feel control.

OR that they have a completely different definition of what success is…what happiness is…what peace is…what love is…

…the words are universal…the interpretations, not so much.

Manifesting the life you want is not about the life you want…it’s about WHO you want to become.


You can’t stop the world from doing most things just as you can’t stop the rotation of the Earth…it’s all so much bigger than you.


But YOU…YOU can do big things…things that have nothing to do with money…things that have everything to do with money…

You’re totally gonna die regardless…so fuck it…go hard…burn your candle at both ends…or just don’t do shit.

Who cares?


That’s who.

The ‘life you want’ didn’t even exist until AFTER you were already born…

…until AFTER you saw and experienced things that you enjoyed…

…and AFTER you experienced things you really hated…

Then some nerd wearing a robe introduced you the concept of manifestation…

…and you had a moment that felt like you could take control of your life…

The same way all religious people feel a sense of hope and safety in a world they intrinsically understand is chaotic and temporary.

So…what do we do to manifest?

How do we create the life we want?

We get to work.

manifesting the life you want is nothing to do with's all intention, intuition, and work, work, work...

We stick to that work and allow it to become more natural.

We become great at the work.

WORK BECOMES skill and experience.


Charge more money.

We ALIGN with people who help us become smarter, stronger, and richer.

Other who WORK.

We raise OUR STANDARDS and work smarter.

We win and we celebrate those wins.

As well as the wins of those we align with.

Does ANY of this shit sound easy…or like magic…or like you’re gonna sit on your ass and let the universe deliver it?

Obviously not…it sounds like you need to abondon everything you ever did with your boring life (movies, shows, netflix, etc.) and start filling it with action…just like a movie character in an adventure…too god damn busy for playstation games because his/her life is ACTUALLY fucking exciting….but it’s work.

Like brushing your teeth or wiping your ass…it’s repetitive…but it makes you who you are.

Manifesting the life you want is accepting the work and the repetitive habits you must take on.

Successful people do the same shit over and over…


You’re overwhelmed by how boring it gets or how you feel like you’re missing out on something else fun…you’re not.

Even the people you admire the most in movies or politics or athletics…they do they same thing over and over…and they become insanely good at it.

The result is amazing money, and bodies, and adventures, and reputations, and opportunities, and connections…get it?

Life is not an adventure.

Life is a PROCESS.

Done correctly, the process will provide the love, the money, the ‘freedom’, and the adventure.

But the process comes first.

Okay, so what is the process for manifesting the life that you want?

Although I would say that there is no official process…

Here’s one that almost anybody can sink their teeth into.

It’s known as PDCA.

Plan do check and adjust.

All the gurus tell you that you have to have a vision… Or you have to have a goal… Or a desire.

That’s the plan portion.

It shouldn’t take long for you to hatch up a good plan.

This is especially true for people that have never put a plan together before.

Because when you’ve never put a plan together, it’s helpful just to try.

Maybe your plan is to make an extra few hundred bucks a week or a month.

Maybe your plan is to lose five pounds.

A plan is not obligated to be complicated.

Most plans are quite simple.

The same way that you might plan for picking up groceries and doing laundry on a Sunday.

All you have to do is take a little time in the morning or at the end of the night…5 or 10 minutes will do….to write down the things that you want…

It’s usually more helpful to seek out things that you can easily achieve in the beginning…and voila!

You have a plan.

The next part is ‘DO’.

To do is to take action… Taking action is more than 90% of this entire process.

Like I said…habits in the repetition… Over and over…

What do you do, exactly?

All the shit that you wrote out in your plan.

The last two parts of the process… Check and adjust… are simply that.

After a week or a month of executing on your plan you’re going to take a moment to sit down and look back at everything that you’ve done.

Did it work?


Keep doing it.

Did it NOT work?


You can get rid of that process and switch for a new one.

Or you can quit.

Choose Power.

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